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Making a Home

What I Brought

Some migrants to Leeds are only able to bring a few possessions with them. Others are more fortunate and can bring belongings that remind them of their heritage and where they have come from.

Sign above windows at United Afghan Community Centre, Leeds 2019
Afghan Community Centre, Leeds 2019

Migrants also come with new ideas and ways of doing things. Leeds has a diverse range of food traditions which are on offer in many supermarkets, restaurants and shops.

Sign for Kosher Food Section, Tesco, Roundhay Road, Leeds 2019
Kosher Food Section, Tesco

Leeds also has specialist clothes shops which have their origins in migrant traditions. Many migrants speak more than one language. This can also provide a link to their heritage. People of South Asian origin in Leeds often speak English as well as Punjabi, Urdu, Hindi or Bengali.



Migrant, migration - migration is the movement of people from one place to another. It can occur within countries and between them. Migration has taken place throughout human history.