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The 1968 Triple Trawler Disaster

Video Interviews with Ex-Trawlermen and the Hessle Road Community

Local Heroes - Unique Filmed Interviews

In October 2008, 36 Year 6 pupils from Maybury Primary School visited Hull Museums to find out about Hull’s fishing heritage and to explore life and work onboard a Hull trawler. Using original artefacts, documents, maps and replica clothing, the young people learnt about the history of fishing in Hull, about the life of a Hull trawler man and work on the Hull Docks. 

'It helped us understand real-life objects and helped us learn about the way of life onboard a trawler' -  Phoebe.

The group examined contemporary news articles in order to uncover the events of the Triple Trawler Disaster in January and February of 1968. After discussing the events of 1968, the group used ‘hot-seating’ as a way of exploring the feelings of those involved in the disaster.

'We were shocked to find out how many families were involved in the disaster and how many of the children [from Maybury Primary School] had links to people involved in it' - Stephen.

The young people decided that they would like to interview people who remembered the Triple Trawler Disaster and were involved in the campaign which followed. A filming workshop was held at school where the young people learnt interview and filming techniques. They also devised the questions to put to the interviewees. A successful filming day followed and a set of unique local history films was created.


'It was really interesting to meet the ex-trawlermen' -  Georgia.

'The people were really kind to give up their time to let us ask them questions' -  Rebecca.


Download the full list of questions and answers from the interviews below or view the videos and then select the relevant film.