Resource created by Heritage Quay
This resource accompanies the film 'The Arts', which can be viewed here. The full resource can be downloaded as a teacher pack from the resources page.
Curriculum Links
KS3 History: The development of society in Britain 1509 - 1745, e.g. society and culture including theatre, art and music.
The film and pack provide an engaging starting point for studying the development of British theatre through Huddersfield professional and amateur drama companies. Students can also study the history of former theatre buildings in Huddersfield, where they were and how they are used now.
Activity Ideas
The study of British theatre lends itself to the Arts Award scheme which has many ideas for developing arts based activities to explore history. See Further Links and Resources for details of the scheme. Students could:
Create a 3D model of a pageant wagon, public courtyard, and enclosed private theatre
Create a timeline of the key events and personalities in the history of British theatre. This could be presented as a performance.
Use items from the arts collections in Heritage Quay to inspire drawings, collage, sculpture.
Research the life of a local theatre and show the changes of use and in the building
Visit the sites of former theatres in Huddersfield
Take a tour of the Lawrence Batley theatre or participate in one of their school workshops/projects.
See a live dance, drama or musical performance by a local theatre company.
Internal Links
Other resources related to this subject area or locality on My Learning include: