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Leeds Residents' Stories

Leeds Traveller Community


Feet On The Ground: The Traveller Stopping-Place and the City

Feet On The Ground is a long-term, participatory art and research project about the traditional Gypsy and Traveller "stopping-place". A "stopping-place" is an unofficial camp; a place where Gypsies and Travellers traditionally stayed, from a few days to a few months. Despite the popular image of a Romany wagon in a country lane, stopping-places exist in cities too, and are an important but sometimes hidden part of the heritage of Leeds. These stopping-places show Travelling people's long history in Leeds, and their sense of identity and belonging to the city. 

The community have mapped and researched old stopping-places; visited the locations where they used to be; and recorded the thoughts and memories of people who used to stay there. At every location we visited, we collected a handful of earth, to mark the place as important and meaningful. These were displayed in copper boxes as part of a community display in Leeds City Museum.

Discover their stories in this short film:


Feet On The Ground is led by artists Delaine Le Bas, Vanessa Cardui, Rudi Holmes and Grace O'Neill, with members of Leeds GATE, a membership organisation for Gypsy and Traveller people in Leeds. Feet On The Ground is supported by funding from Leeds Inspired, part of Leeds City Council.