Free learning resources from arts, cultural and heritage organisations.

Teachers' Notes

Resource created by Calderdale Museums: Bankfield Museum.


Curriculum Links:

  • KS1 History - significant historical events, people and places in their own locality.
  • KS2 English – writing diaries, autobiographies and writing information texts. 
  • KS2 History - a study of an aspect of history or a site dating from a period beyond 1066 that is significant in the locality.
  • KS2 AND KS3 PSHE and Citizenship – Understanding relationships.


Activity Ideas:

  1. Write an autobiography or biography of Anne Lister.
  2. Find the different places that Anne visited on a map.
  3. Using the PowerPoint information, write an information leaflet about Shibden Hall.
  4. Design your own family coat of arms - what will it tell people about your family?
  5. Create your own code and share it with a friend - can you write a letter to each other in this code?
  6. Discuss why Anne had to write some of her diaries in code. In what ways was it seen that Anne went against the norms of the time? What areas of life have improved the rights of the LGBTIQ+ community and what still needs improving? The 'supporting links' in 'Resources' might help provide information for discussion.