Resource created by: Cumbria's Museum of Military Life
This resource tells the story of a WW1 soldier through an unusual artefact.
Curriculum Links
- KS2 History: Study of an aspect or theme in British history after 1066
- KS3 History: WW1
Learning Objectives
- Knowledge of an individual WW1 story and three WW1 medals
- Understanding of the risks soldiers took during their military service
- Skills to analyse WW1 artefacts in light of historical context
Discussion ideas
- Why were Bibles important to soldiers? Why is religion important to people at difficult times in their lives?
- How important do you think it was to the 'morale' of other soldiers that it was a Bible that saved Private Peil's life?
Do you think soldiers still carry Bibles today? What other things do people find comforting (e.g. lucky charms)?
- How are war medals different to other types of medals (eg. sports medals)? Why are they important?
- What do you think about the fact that some war medals were considered more important than others?
Activity Ideas
- Research: Find out about the different meanings of war medal ribbons.
- Creative writing: Write a diary entry as Private Peil, describing the day when he was saved by his Bible. Think about how he might have felt and what was going on around him at the time.
- Research: Find out more about what life was like on the Western Front in 1917. Write an account using the information you have found, from the point of view of a newspaper reporter at the time.
Design your own medal for a group of people you think were particularly important during the war (eg. nurses who looked after soldiers in France) or for someone you admire who is alive today. You could use the My Learning Design a Medal online interactive.