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1900 Brixton and Manchester Bazaars

More branches opened as M&S moved out of the market halls and into permanent premises. Marks understood that his customers wanted shopping to be an easy and enjoyable experience.

M&S Brixton Arch Penny Bazaar c.1903
M&S Brixton Arch c.1903

The new stores were light and bright, staff were friendly and helpful and customers were encouraged to browse - with no obligation to buy. The words 'Free Admission' were displayed on the shop fronts to make it clear to customers that this was a place where they could shop on their own terms.

M&S Manchester Oldham Street Bazaar in 1898
M&S Manchester Oldham Street 1898

The Michael Marks timeline follows his birth in Russian Poland in 1863 to his death in Manchester in 1907. The life of Michael Marks was a relatively short one, but with many achievements.